Website/Blog/YouTube/ or Viemeo site
When and how have you participated at SIGGRAPH Conferences? (exhibits, talks, panels, performance, screenings). OK if you have not participated.
Siggraph exhibits, panels - was a member for many years
Are you a member of ACM SIGGRAPH?
Are you on a SIGGRAPH Committee?
Have you shown art in any SIGGRAPH Art Shows?
If you answered yes to the above question, please list year(s)
80s, 90s not sure when
Have you shown in any SIGGRAPH Animation Screenings?
What countries do you work in?
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Tnx 4 reading my text:-)
I fond ur art specially "Pale Male: A Pilgrimage" so attractive and parallel to my art as in:
ABC_2LR... Its amazing!

I was incorrect that 5 things were shown though. It looks like only 3 items.
I see that the discussion does not appear on the main page right now, but if you click on "View All" under that section you will see it is all still there. The Forum section seems to only show 5 topics at a time, probably sorted by latest activity. I have not found a way to make it show more than 5 yet, but will keep looking. I would guess that if there was another entry to your discussion, it would be in the top 5 again. So, I will try to add something and see if that is the case.