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October SPARKS online session: Creative Graphic Design using New Technology for the Future

Join the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community October SPARKS online session: Creative Graphic Design using New Technology for the Future
Date and Time: Friday October 27, 2023 / 20:00 GMT
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Moderated by Yeohyun Ahn and Sue Gollifer

For many years, graphic design was primarily a predominantly European-centric field rooted in the principles of the Bauhaus and in print design. Visual design education is rapidly shifting from a Western, print-centric area to a diverse and global one that eagerly employs emerging technology. This panel will discuss creative graphic design education, research, and techniques beyond print. We will cross boundaries and discuss design and computation, 3D printing, sound performance, AR/XR, and AI as well as sustainability and social justice, and more.


Andrew Shea
Parsons School of Design

Taekyeom Lee
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chris Hamamoto
Seoul National University

Alex Braidwood
Iowa State University

Heather Snyder Quinn
DePaul University

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