Website/Blog/YouTube/ or Viemeo site
Website/Blog/YouTube/ or Viemeo site
When and how have you participated at SIGGRAPH Conferences? (exhibits, talks, panels, performance, screenings). OK if you have not participated.
Exhibited in SIGGRAPH Art Gallery 8 times between 1995 and 2007, given artist's talks, chaired panels, etc
Are you a member of ACM SIGGRAPH?
Are you on a SIGGRAPH Committee?
Have you shown art in any SIGGRAPH Art Shows?
If you answered yes to the above question, please list year(s)
95,98,99,01,02,03, 04, 07
Have you shown in any SIGGRAPH Animation Screenings?
What countries do you work in?
Mainly UK, also exhibit in USA, Holland, Germany, Japan
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