Website/Blog/YouTube/ or Viemeo site
When and how have you participated at SIGGRAPH Conferences? (exhibits, talks, panels, performance, screenings). OK if you have not participated.
Are you a member of ACM SIGGRAPH?
Are you on a SIGGRAPH Committee?
Have you shown art in any SIGGRAPH Art Shows?
If you answered yes to the above question, please list year(s)
1996, 2000, 2003, 2004
Have you shown in any SIGGRAPH Animation Screenings?
What countries do you work in?
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Hi Sue - thanks so much for the notification. I sent you a few emails in regards to when the DropBox folder will be available, not sure if they have been received as my address often ends up in "junk mail". The email address to link is:
Hi Liz!
Congratulations - two of your works have been selected for the DAC'S Juried Show - Environments •• Natural •• Constructed (see below)
(1) A New Leaf – Guilt
(2) A New Leaf Series – Hope
To enable us to proceed to publish them for the show, we have set up a drop account called (DAC'S Juried Show), for which we will give you access, but I will need your email address, to give you access. Then you can be enabled to create a folder with you name and add the images and information required.
So can you respond by emailing me within 24hours (ASP) to
Deadline is by the latest Friday May 11th
Please create a folder with your name for identification and add the following items.
Please also fill out an ACM permissions forms (which will be in the Drop Box folder shortly) and add to your folder.
Looking forward to receiving the work
Sue Gollifer
Member of the DAC’s selection committee