Edward S. Johnston updated their profile photo
Jan 23, 2024
Edward S. Johnston updated their profile photo
Jan 23, 2024
Edward S. Johnston updated their profile
Jan 23, 2024

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    Hi Edward!


    Congratulations - two of your works have been selected for the DAC'S Juried Show - Environments •• Natural •• Constructed  (see below)

    (1) Looking At Trees, Variation 2 &
    (2) Looking At Clouds, Variation 2
    To enable us to proceed to publish them for the show, we have set up a drop account called (DAC'S Juried Show), for which we will give you access, but I will need your email address, to give you access. Then create a folder with you name and add the images and information required. So can you respond by emailing me within 24hours (ASP) to





    Deadline is by the latest Friday May 11th

    Please create a folder with your name for identification and add the following items.

    1. The 2 selected images at 1800 pixels by 3000 pixels (landscape or Portrait), saved as a maximum quality jpg, png or tif
      1. The images need dating (as to when they were created) and add a full title of the images.
      2. Please include a statement about each image for the online display, 100-word limit for each image, in a word document + URL link (if appropriate) to your current www site.

    Please also fill out an ACM permissions forms (which will be in the Drop Box folder shortly) and add to your folder.


    Looking forward to receiving the work




    Sue Gollifer

    Member of the DAC’s selection committee


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