Website/Blog/YouTube/ or Viemeo site
When and how have you participated at SIGGRAPH Conferences? (exhibits, talks, panels, performance, screenings). OK if you have not participated.
Participation in the talk on the Digital Mona Lisa or as titled; " MONA BY THE NUMBERS " . I have been researching this 1964 artifact for almost a decade now. I have also collaborated with Andy Patros on our different paths taken in our common curiosity.
Are you a member of ACM SIGGRAPH?
Are you on a SIGGRAPH Committee?
Have you shown art in any SIGGRAPH Art Shows?
Have you shown in any SIGGRAPH Animation Screenings?
What countries do you work in?
United States
Short Bio
My interest within the ACM is focused on the DML. However, I find the Digital Art Community to be interesting as a whole. I intend to be proactive in the pursuit of bringing my artifact # back into the limelight and look forward to the Members comments. Best Wishes, Tim