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Short Bio
Sihwa Park is a sound interaction designer, media artist, and researcher. Currently, he is Assistant Professor in the School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University, Toronto. His research interest lies in interactive audiovisual software art, exploring the possibilities of computational algorithms and emerging technologies in designing novel audiovisual interfaces to augment cross-modal sensory experiences and collaborative interactions. He also studies expressive approaches that use data as an art material to drive audiovisual content generation based on data visualization and sonification as well as computational algorithms used in computer graphics and machine learning. His data art practice aims to make data-driven audiovisual arts that reflect how we see ourselves through our data and depict the relationship between humans and machines that affect us based on data and algorithms. His work has been presented at international venues, including ICMC, NIME, ISEA, IEEE VISAP, SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, CHI, Ars Electronica, and NeurIPS.