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Pioneering Interactive Art and Artists from the 1960s to 2000

Please join us at the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community February SPARKS online session which is Co-sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH History Committee. 

Moderated by: Bonnie Mitchell and Myungin Lee

Date: February 23, 2024


12:00 noon EST (New York, USA)  | 11:00 am CST (Chicago, USA)  | 09:00 am PST (Los Angeles, USA) | 06:00 pm CET (Central European Time) | 05:00 pm UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)  

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Session Description:

This SPARKS session focuses on the innovative interactive digital artwork and pioneering artists prior to the year 2000. Interactive digital art’s roots began forming in the 1960s and blossomed in the following decades. By relinquishing the power to control the outcome of a work of art, digital artists in the 1960 -1990s established a democratic, reciprocal relationship with the viewer. Without a defined history, artists were free to experiment and create works that capitalized on the concept of “possibilities.” These individualized personal art experiences took many forms including screen-based art, immersive installation environments, interactive music, telematic performances, haptic device art, and much more.


  • Vladimir Bonačić’s interactive digital installations 1969 – 1971 - Darko Fritz   
  • Searching for Conditions of Possibility: Jeffrey Shaw’s Artistic Practice in Expanded Cinema - Lukasz Mirocha     
  • Engaging Subjectivity Through Interaction - Greg Garvey   
  • The enduring telematic vision of a coexistent third space - Paul Sermon    
  • From Music Composition to Multimodal Interactive Composition – An Historical Overview - JoAnn Kuchera-Morin     

See more information about the event: Pioneering Interactive Art and Artists from the 1960s to 2000

For more information about SPARKS:

ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community

Our mission of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee is to foster year-round engagement and dialogue within the digital, electronic, computational, and media arts. We facilitate dynamic scholarship and creative programming within the ACM SIGGRAPH organization. Our goal is to promote collaboration between artists and the larger computer graphics and interactive techniques community.

All online ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community events are free to all. 

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