

July 14

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Short Bio

I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in a home of professional parents and currently I live there with my family. My first stable work experiences were in the area of ​​science. My interests and concerns have always been multiple and varied in the intellectual and artistic area. I was captivated by geometry and mathematics. I am very sensitive to beauty in general and, delving into geometry, I found my artistic streak. I compare my life experience with a polyhedron since I have always acted in many dimensions trying to increase and improve its facets. Art, beauty and harmony were my ideals and goals of all my activities. I was inspired by the Renaissance Artists and their research in arithmetic and geometry. At one point in my research I discovered that digital art with the latest 3D math software development allowed me to express what I felt. This allowed me to recreate in a virtual environment the most essential volumes of humanity whose history can be traced today from the Neolithic with a mathematical precision never achieved before and make an art of it and walk in the REAL SEARCH OF TRUTH THROUGH THE BEAUTY . I mean the 5 regular polyhedra All my studies and research related to art are personal and self-taught, supported by the shoulders of giants of my ancestors, driven by my enthusiasm and creativity. The first recognition I received was from those few who in different parts of the world expressed their pleasure for the first images that I spread on facebok, then came a beautiful interview in the magazine peripheral_arteries_art Collections that include his work Kepler's Cosmos - Roberto's Cover Grana both the interior illustration and other forms of illustration related to this volume. including but not limited to advertising. book: Lumen Naturae: Visions of Space in Art and Mathematics Prof. Matilde Marcolli Spring 2019 MIT Press is a university press affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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