August 18
August 18
When and how have you participated at SIGGRAPH Conferences? (exhibits, talks, panels, performance, screenings). OK if you have not participated.
Presentation @ Siggraph Asia under the Special Education Talks
Are you a member of ACM SIGGRAPH?
Have you shown art in any SIGGRAPH Art Shows?
What countries do you work in?
Short Bio
Director, Executive Producer, Asst. Professor Peter is a short film director specializing in 3D animated shorts. He won numerous film festival awards from the Top Emerging Artist (Souriya Namaha), the Best Animation Short film (Winston’s Shuttle) and a Gold Pixie Award (Junkboxx). His works has played on a giant screen @ Times Square in NYC, Germany, France, Canada, China, Belgium, S.Korea, Pakistan, Australia, Italy and as a retrospective at the VIEW Animation Video Festival. Cumulatively, his work has been selected in over 50 international juried competitions. Peter has been teaching at Brock University (Canada), Grand Canyon University (Phoenix), Stanford, Villanova and is currently an Assistant Professor in Animation at the University of Iowa. His research involves animation production and accelerating the animation pipeline for independent short films. He was born in Niagara Falls, Canada and obtained his BFA at McMaster University (Canada) in Fine Art/Multimedia and completed his MFA at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco in Animation. In his spare time, he operates RizingZun Animation, an award winning animation studio.
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