January 14
January 14
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Short Bio
Dr. Daniel Simões Lopes has a degree in biomedical engineering from the University of Lisbon and graduated in computational engineering under the framework of the UT Austin|Portugal Program. During his doctoral studies he formulated an efficient contact detection methodology for smooth convex surfaces based on an analytical formulation of surface tangent vectors. In addition, his doctoral studies aimed at modeling anatomical structures with smooth convex contact geometries, namely, synovial joints such as the shoulder, hip, and knee joints. He was a visiting scholar at the Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory of the University of Texas at Austin where, under the supervision of Dr. Richard Neptune, he focused his research on integrating detailed contact models and musculoskeletal modeling techniques to estimate joint loading during human gait. He was also a visiting scholar at INRIA - Lille where he contributed to the development of an application to interactively visualize and explore volume data in real-time. Currently, he is a postdoc researcher and Head of Biomedical Research at the Visualization and Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces Group at INESC-ID Lisboa, where he carries research and development in several topics, namely, computational geometry, contact detection, sketch-based interfaces and modeling, spatial interfaces, computational biomechanics, image-based anatomical modeling, and interactive visualization of 3D medical images. In 2014, the Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer Office appointed him as the technology scout responsible to spot and keep track of research with practical utility within INESC-ID’s Interactive Intelligent Systems groups.
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